Lets clean our houses together > 인생수첩

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꾸란 Lets clean our houses together

페이지 정보

작성자 뽕킴 댓글 0건 조회 3,789회 작성일 09-11-24 17:11


The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said: “Cleanliness is half of faith…” (Bukhari) Cleanliness in our homes is not just a matter of routine; it is actually part of our religion.

The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, pointed out that it is half of our faith, quite a significant statement.

Our homes are where we live, eat, sleep and offer salah. You could even say that our homes are masajid for our families. The bottom line is that our homes deserve respect. Keeping them clean is a way to demonstrate our regard for it. This fact is proved as Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, clearly tells us: “Make your dwellings as places for your worship…” [10:87]. One might ask, why should we show regard for our homes? In fact, they are only buildings. But, Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, explains to us repeatedly in the Qur’an: “Be grateful to Me (For My countless Favors on you) and never be ungrateful to Me.” [2:152].

It all simply boils down to how we look at things. Our homes are not just buildings; they are favors given to us by our Creator. Therefore, it is obligatory for us to show regard and appreciation for the blessings that He, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has bestowed on us. Could any one of us ever imagine mistreating a gift from Allah? It’s not likely that when viewed in this light, any one of us would ever have the intention of disregard.

Our homes are one of the numerous blessings that we have been given in this life. They are a test for us as well as a luxurious blessing that not all have been granted. On a recent project I worked on, I filmed a documentary on homeless women and children in my city. I found people sleeping out in the open and under makeshift cardboard tents. What I found was shocking, yet I knew it has existed all along, but when faced with it directly it forced me to re- eval uate all of the blessings I have.

Homelessness is a situation that is pr eval ent in every single city across the United States and each country abroad. No matter where you go, in every part of the world homelessness is a reality. The Muslim community is not exempt from such heartbreaking conditions. So no matter what the causes may be for homelessness, not everyone has the comfort of a roof over his or her head when it rains, or furniture to sit on as an alternative to the dirty street.

“Verily Allah is full of bounty to mankind, but most of them are ungrateful.” [10:60]

This is not to say that we must scrub the floors daily, but keeping a neat home nurtures our mental state and encourages us to have confidence, which fuels optimism. It has been suggested that people who are surrounded by constant untidiness become depressed and dispirited. When a woman is feeling her worst, the state of her home may be a direct reflection of her state of mind at that time. By keeping our homes clean and in order, we are better equipped to handle difficult situation and be better Muslims.

Cleanliness is also a wonderful gift we can teach our children. Children learn by our example, and their habits will rival our own – good or bad. Teaching tidy habits to children will help them to become more successful during their school age years and also at work when they grow older. Organization and tidiness is a trait that is useful in every walk of life and profession.

Cleanliness is also a part of dawah to non-Muslims. It exhibits one of the many wonderful benefits that are a result of practicing our religion. For example, if a Muslim family rents a home and leaves keeps it clean, the owner of the property will be drawn to renting to other Muslims in the future. Our day-to-day living conditions can either make the mark of a good impression or a negative one that will be remembered for years.

By keeping our homes clean, to the best of our ability, we are making our homes a more desirable place for our families and ourselves. Furthermore, we are practicing our religion by fulfilling half of our faith and displaying a deep gratitude for the blessings we have been provided with in this life in hopes of gaining better (Paradise) in the next, insha-Allah.

Lets clean our houses together "


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