써머 아웃도어 파티 아이디어 Decorative Paper Lanterns > 파티&이벤트

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써머 아웃도어 파티 아이디어 Decorative Paper Lanterns

페이지 정보

작성자 타라곤 댓글 0건 조회 2,344회 작성일 12-05-31 22:45


Tissue-Paper Lantern How-To
The lanterns [on the previous page] are monochromatic, but you can play with the design by creating an ombre pattern (gradations of the same color) or stripes. You can even use green disks at the tops of the lanterns so that they resemble berries with leafy stems.
Tools and Materials
  • Tissue-paper disks in assorted colors
  • Double-sided tape
  • 14-, 16-, or 18-inch-diameter paper lanterns
1. Starting at the bottom of the lantern, use small squares of tape to begin attaching tissue-paper disks around the hole, overlapping them.
2. Working toward the top, continue sticking and overlapping disks to cover the lantern.


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