파티&이벤트 1 페이지

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Total 74건 1 페이지
파티&이벤트 목록
Patriotic Red, White, and Blue Crafts and Party Decorations  
작성자verbena 작성일 13-06-06 08:23 조회 1326 더보기
SUMMER Party Ideas!  
작성자verbena 작성일 13-06-05 22:35 조회 1362 더보기
Cotton Candy Party  
작성자verbena 작성일 13-05-25 00:37 조회 1435 더보기
the perfect way to celebrate a new mom or a bride-to-be.  
작성자verbena 작성일 13-05-25 00:34 조회 1424 더보기
수영장은 기본이고, 테니스코트가 있는 집들도 수두룩하다. 이 집의 2층 거실에는 당구대가 있는데, 그 위에 지붕을 열고 닫을 수 있어서, 달빛 아래에서 포켓볼을 칠 수가 있었다.
작성자harvard 작성일 11-02-19 13:36 조회 1958 더보기
Kids' Birthday Party Ideas              
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-06-21 01:57 조회 2447 더보기
Embellish paper fans as favors for your next get-together. They'll create a welcome breeze for guests on hot, sunny days.
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-06-01 23:56 조회 2373 더보기
These lush bouquets have two roles: as centerpieces during a party and as favors for guests to take home after the celebration.
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-06-01 23:55 조회 2490 더보기
This bouquet of maroon cosmos and rich indigo larkspur -- cut from the garden and tucked into an ironstone vessel alongside a compote of blueberries -- is at once lively and serene, and is the perfect arrangement for outdoor entertaining.
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-06-01 23:52 조회 2538 더보기
Got an assortment of paper napkins left over from parties past? To make a hodgepodge look festive -- and coordinated -- add a white doily band. Fold two napkins together. Cut a strip from a round or square paper doily; for a band that's lacy on both edges, accordion-fold a small doily in the middle.…
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-06-01 23:51 조회 2470 더보기
Freshly cut large leaves make natural waterproof anchors for summer drinks. Lush foliage, such as the hosta leaves we used, add color to table settings and act as reminders of tropical vacations. Cut leaves early in the day, and set them in water immediately, keeping them hydrated in a container unt…
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-06-01 23:50 조회 2513 더보기
Personalize table settings and add a touch of seafaring mystery to dinner with message-in-a-bottle place cards. Using a funnel, fill a small glass bottle a little less than halfway with sand. Roll up a small sheet of paper tightly, securing with a few strips of double-sided tape placed parallel to …
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-06-01 23:48 조회 2470 더보기
써머 아웃도어 파티 아이디어
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-06-01 23:46 조회 2656 더보기
Paper Cocktail Covers Keep bugs, leaves, and other unwelcome guests from joining you for drinks by topping glasses with these jaunty little hats (otherwise known as baking cups). Cut a small X into the center of each liner, poke a straw through the hole, and enjoy your beverage worry- (and pest-)…
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-05-31 23:03 조회 2529 더보기
Instead of watering down your drink with ice cubes that are destined to melt, give the entire vessel its own ice bucket. Slip one glass container inside another (we found these multipurpose cylinders at a floral-supply shop), and put the ice between them. The effect is dramatic and guarantees that y…
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-05-31 23:01 조회 2455 더보기
Add a fresh, sunny surprise to your guests' plates with a sunflower place card. Trim sunflower stems short, so they fit into juice glasses. Cut paper into petal shapes and write guests' names on them. Then add the extra petal to the flowers with dots of tacky white glue.
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-05-31 23:00 조회 2491 더보기
Dress up your hurricane lanterns in a hurry with pleated vellum shades to softly illuminate the dinner table. Use a scoring board to uniformly crease paper: Lay the paper on the board, and use the indentations as your guide to score parallel lines. (Of course, you can fold the paper by hand, u…
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-05-31 22:48 조회 2497 더보기
Preppy Napkin Rings How-To: Cut 9-inch lengths of grosgrain ribbon or twill tape. Notch 1 end, or cut it at an angle. Loop the other end through 2 D rings, wrapping ribbon around the rings' straight edges, and glue it to itself with fabric glue. Center a rolled napkin on the ribbon; thread the ribb…
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-05-31 22:47 조회 2164 더보기
Tissue-Paper Lantern How-To The lanterns [on the previous page] are monochromatic, but you can play with the design by creating an ombre pattern (gradations of the same color) or stripes. You can even use green disks at the tops of the lanterns so that they resemble berries with leafy stems. Tools…
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-05-31 22:45 조회 2340 더보기
1. Trim 1/4 inch from the circumference of 1 plate with scallop scissors. 2. Using a pencil, draw a tic-tac-toe grid on the back of the plate, with the center square at the plate's center. 3. Cut along every other pencil line that extends to the edge of the plate, taking care not to cut into the c…
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-05-31 22:44 조회 2452 더보기
Fun Floral Straws Whether you're throwing a backyard bash or an evening soiree, these party-perfect ideas are sure to leave a lasting impression on your guests. Plain or fancy, these straws decorated with baking-cup flowers make your summer drinks irresistible.   Tools and MaterialsAssor…
작성자타라곤 작성일 12-05-31 22:42 조회 2331 더보기
1. 돌상의 기본구성 떡,과일이 가장 기본/ 돌잡이용품/ 거기에 각종 소품들을 추가로 꾸미면 되요. 2. 떡 : 보통은 세가지를 많이 한다. 백설기, 수수경단(삼색으로도 많이해요), 꿀떡 엄마표돌상을 하려면 따로 떡을 맞추시면 됩니다. 동네 맛있는 떡집에서 적당히 사시면 되는데 보통 종류당 약 2만원어치 정도면 좋은거 같아요. 백설기는 반말이상은 하시고요 백설기 일부를 케잌으로 만들어달라고 하면 더 좋아요 전통으로 올라가는 떡은 주로 백설기 · 붉은 팥고물을 묻힌 수수경단 · 찹쌀떡 · 송편 · 무지개떡 · 인절미 · 계피떡 등인데…
작성자신선초 작성일 12-05-25 05:46 조회 2654 더보기
1 Assess your finances. A standard limousine (four to six passengers) will set you back about $40 to $80 per hour; a stretch limo (six to eight passengers) runs slightly more--about $60 to $100 per hour. Both have an hourly minimum of four to five hours (although this is usually negotiable). F…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-02 09:48 조회 2496 더보기
1 Start with the least expensive ticket source, and move up from there if you have to. Call the venue directly or search one of the two primary online ticketing sources: TicketMaster.com or Tickets.com. You might get lucky.2 See if anybody in your town is trying to unload his or her choi…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-02 09:46 조회 2445 더보기
1 Contact Pollstar (pollstar.com), which maintains the world's largest database of international concert tour information and booking agents, and purchase the annual Booking Agency Directory ($90). This contains information on more than 9,500 artists and a cross-index of agency personnel. Poll…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-02 09:41 조회 2589 더보기
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