헬퍼도우미 2 페이지

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Total 69건 2 페이지
헬퍼도우미 목록
1 Schedule your garage sale far enough in advance so that you can place a classified ad. Hold your sale on a nonholiday weekend unless you live in a resort town with lots of vacationers. Check the long-range forecast for good weather.2 Dig through your garage, attic, basement and house f…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:26 조회 1845 더보기
1 Visit Give.org, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Web site on charitable giving, to find reports about specific charities. The BBB provides financial information about charities and evaluates them using specific accountability standards.2 Contact your state attorney general's office or …
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:24 조회 1749 더보기
1 Research the different ergonomic benefits of a chair. You'll soon find that everything from back support to armrests can make a difference.2 Understand the back-support features. Height adjustment supports the lumbar area (lower back). Look for chairs that provide mid-back and upper-ba…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:22 조회 1777 더보기
Buying a good bottle of wine can be intimidating especially if you are not experienced. Often buyers think that you have to spend a lot of money in order to get a full bodied and smooth tasting bottle of wine. This is simply not the case. While wine preference is personal, there are several ways to …
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:20 조회 1374 더보기
1 Start your search as early as possible. Get recommendations from caterers or event coordinators. Look under "Musicians" in the Yellow Pages, and check party-planning directories for musicians' unions or entertainment brokers. Contact music schools, too.2 Call at least three prospective…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:16 조회 1498 더보기
1 Learn the difference between streaming and downloading. Streamed music plays live when you're connected to the Internet. Downloaded music gets copied directly to your computer's hard disk. Then you can listen to it anytime, move it to a portable MP3 player or burn it to a CD. Streamed music …
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:14 조회 1330 더보기
1 Investigate her preference in flowers; this is more important than following the secret code in most cases. If you haven't been dating long this is more difficult and the traditional choices are your best option.2 Get out of trouble by selecting a Hyacinth to say "I am sorry." Daffodil…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:12 조회 1249 더보기
1 Wait until the time is right. Try not to meet the family too soon. Be sure you're serious about the relationship so that you can deal with them sincerely.2 Find out whom you will be meeting. Memorize their names. Addressing people by name is absolutely vital and an easy way to make you…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:09 조회 1240 더보기
1 Make a list of the qualities you'd like to find in a mate (or date).2 Include important lifestyle issues in your profile. Are you looking for a serious commitment that could lead to marriage and kids or a strictly sexual relationship? Is religion important? 3 Surf various…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:06 조회 1475 더보기
If you are finding that you are lonely and do not have many dates, then maybe it is time to think about hiring a dating service. You actually have quite a few options to choose from. In this respect it is a lot better to be single now then 25 years ago. Before, you had to rely on going out to meet p…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:03 조회 1266 더보기
1 Don't panic. Most menu items are separated and itemized just like any other restaurant. So, at the very least, you'll be able to determine what's an appetizer and what's and entree. Knowing what you're ordering, on the other hand, is a different story.2 Get comfortable with some of the…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 10:01 조회 1250 더보기
1 Ask the sushi chef to recommend the catch of the day, since sushi-grade fish is especially sensitive to seasonal changes.2 Swim with the big guys by getting the basics down. Nigiri is fish pressed onto rice mounds. Maki are sushi rolls wrapped in nori seaweed, and sliced; temaki are ha…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:59 조회 1491 더보기
1 Slice a small Roma tomato in half and discard the pulp. Chop the remaining tomato into 1/4-inch pieces and add to a small bowl.2 Dice 1/2 a small jalapeno or Serrano chili pepper and add to the tomato. Dice 1/4 of a small white onion and place in the bowl. 3 Squeeze the juice…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:57 조회 1265 더보기
1 Know the difference between a sunscreen and a sunblock. A sunscreen is any product with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or less. An SPF of 15 means it will take 15 times longer for you to burn with the sunscreen than without. A sunblock has an SPF of 30 or more.2 Use a sunblock wit…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:53 조회 1268 더보기
1 Opt for grilled, broiled or steamed entre'es over fried. Chicken, turkey and fish are leaner than ground beef.2 Say no to special sauces, cheese, mayonnaise and bacon; they'll pack on the calories, fat and cholesterol.3 Order regular or junior meals instead of supersize meals. If you have a …
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:51 조회 1668 더보기
1 Factor in your own financial circumstances. There are high ends and low ends to the range of acceptable tips. But you can't go breaking the bank just to pay for good service, so knowing your capability is primary.2 Figure out what kind of service it is you're receiving. Some services s…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:47 조회 1393 더보기
While there may be no single formula to efficiently handle family or friendship issues, it’s always helpful to read relationship advice from people who have shared similar experiences. Our writers explore life predicaments and solutions to help you in your own relationships. We know that family is…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:44 조회 1340 더보기
So you've made your millions but still lack respectability? Well, old chap, you can't purchase a blue-blood heritage, but you can clean up your image. You'll have to throw some money around, but be sure to do it with urbanity, style and grace. Anything vulgar and your plebeian roots will show. 1 …
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:41 조회 1348 더보기
Most people contemplating buying someone a drink either think about it until (and beyond) last call, but never get up the nerve. Or they use the shotgun technique--buying a drink for anyone they catch sitting still for two seconds--blasting away in the hopes of getting lucky. The best approach is so…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:38 조회 1273 더보기
1 Look for closed buds on the brink of unfurling. Petal tops should show the first signs of opening, and the bud should be a little soft and springy, never hard. Then close your eyes and inhale their scent--some varieties are more fragrant than others.2 FInd beautiful roses for cheap at …
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:35 조회 1228 더보기
When we're working (at least) eight-hour days, and taking care of your personal life is also a full-time job, it just seems like there's no way to get everything done. Buy yourself some time either buy learning how to cut corners, multitask or hire out some of the more tedious chores.Instructions 1 …
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-05-01 09:33 조회 1292 더보기
t's true that you can't literally buy happiness. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." And he would know, because he was depressed and miserable most of the time. But money can at least provide an escape from drudgery and give you increa…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-04-30 11:27 조회 1286 더보기
1 Figure out how you want to trap the vermin. There are certainly PETA-friendly options out there, and you can go for the guts and glory traditional snap traps.2 Assess the severity of your problem, and shop accordingly. Some traps just don't do if your rat infestation looks like the…
작성자방아풀 작성일 12-04-30 11:20 조회 1410 더보기
컨슈머리포트지의 자매지인 숍스마트는 온라인 쇼핑시 사기를 피하는 방법을 아래와 같이 제시했다.1. 사이트 신뢰성에 의심가면 BBB.org에서 확인해 볼 수 있다.BBB.org 사이트에서 'USA site'를 클릭한 뒤 "Check out a business or charity"를 가서 "Phone URL Email" 탭을 통해 자신이 확인하고자 하는 사이트의 신뢰도를 객관적으로 확인해 볼 수 있다. 또 Better Business Bureau는 최근 해당 사이트에 대한 '만족/불만족'의 등급 서비스를 제공하기 시작했다. 등급은 'A…
작성자harvard 작성일 11-01-14 11:42 조회 1560 더보기
해외 인터넷 쇼핑의 달인 박임효“너무 저렴해 충격을 받았던 해외 인터넷 쇼핑, 하나도 어렵지 않아요” 안양에 사는 박임효(29) 주부가 해외 인터넷 쇼핑을 시작하게 된 건 유기농 화장품을 알게 되면서부터다. 한국에서 유명한 독일 유기농 화장품이 해외 사이트에서 1/3 가격으로 판매되고 있었던 것.“친구 소개로 해외 사이트에서 유기농 화장품을 싸게 사는 방법을 알게 됐어요. 한국에서 판매되는 가격의 1/3밖에 안 되는 걸 보고 충격을 받았죠. 그래도 처음에는 불안했어요. 결제나 배송 등 물건이 오기까…
작성자harvard 작성일 11-01-13 10:41 조회 1628 더보기
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